01206 212092


*Price excludes VAT & delivery

Prices from £1880. Easy to use, can be supplied tractor mounted with pto pump, or trailed on a wheeled chassis with a 12v electric pump. Larger model 200 litre tractor, mounted only. A three piece folding boom and optional hand lance allow mobile spraying and also stationary use. Each boom section has a shut off valve for spraying smaller widths.

For Delivery information please contact our sales team and we will be happy to help!

Phone: 01206 212092
Fax: 01206 212069
Contact person: Sales Team
E-mail: sales@bsgtractorsandmachinery.co.uk

Prices from £1880. Easy to use, can be supplied tractor mounted with pto pump, or trailed on a wheeled chassis with a 12v electric pump. Larger model 200 litre tractor, mounted only. A three piece folding boom and optional hand lance allow mobile spraying and also stationary use. Each boom section has a shut off valve for spraying smaller widths.